Twin Suns
There are many different ways to play Star Wars™: Unlimited. Just last month, we talked about the “limited” formats of draft play and sealed play. Back in November, we talked about the main “constructed” format, which we are now calling Premier. Today, we want to take a look at the other constructed format: the multiplayer format, Twin Suns!

Multiplayer Mayhem
Under normal circumstances, Star Wars: Unlimited is a head-to-head game between two players. However, sometimes players want to duke it out in a larger group, which is where the Twin Suns format comes into play.
When playing a game of Star Wars: Unlimited with more than two players, there are a few important changes to the rules. Twin Suns introduces two additional counters to the game: the blast counter and the plan counter. The “take the initiative” action is replaced with a “take an available counter” action, which allows you to claim any of the three counters (initiative, blast, or plan) that haven’t already been claimed by another player. Just like the “take the initiative” action from the normal rules, taking an available counter means you automatically pass for the rest of your turns for that action phase.
So, what do the blast and plan counters do? If you claim the blast counter, you immediately deal 1 damage to each opponent’s base. If you claim the plan counter, you immediately draw a card, then place a card from your hand on the bottom of your deck (you can choose to place the card you just drew, if you want). Both of these counters provide an extra bit of strategy during gameplay, and also make the choice of when to claim a counter matter even after someone takes the initiative.
Speaking of the initiative, the player with initiative still takes the first action each round during a multiplayer game. After that, players take their turns in clockwise order. The actions you can take during your turn are largely the same as a head-to-head game, with two major exceptions: the first is the “take an available counter” action we described above, and the other is that you cannot pass until you have no other legal actions to take on your turn. This means that you must perform an action that changes the game state every turn until you either claim a counter or run out of things to do.
In a Twin Suns game, once a player’s base has been reduced to 0 HP, that player is eliminated and can’t take any more actions. The player who eliminated them (such as by dealing the last bit of damage to their base) immediately heals 5 damage from their own base. At that point, the game continues until the end of the current phase. At the end of the phase, after any lingering card abilities are resolved, the player with the most HP remaining on their base wins the game!

Besides having adjusted rules, Twin Suns also stands apart from the Premier format by having drastically different deckbuilding requirements. The biggest change from normal constructed deckbuilding is the fact that your deck must include two leaders instead of one! It’s called “Twin Suns” for a reason, after all. These leaders must share either the Heroism (white) or the Villainy (black) aspect, but aside from that they can be any two leaders you want.Each leader provides their deckbuilding aspects for your deck, granting you access to a wider range of cards than what a normal single-leader deck would provide. You deploy each leader one at a time through their epic actions as normal, but if you manage to get both of them on the field at once, you could sway the whole battle in your favor!
You still include only one base for your Twin Suns deck, and your draw deck must have a minimum of 50 cards, as normal (though this minimum will increase to 80 cards after the release of the game’s fourth set). However, unlike the Premier format, your deck cannot include more than one copy of any card. This applies to leaders, units, events, and upgrades, which means you’ll need to take advantage of the extra aspect provided by your second leader in order to fill your deck with a wide variety of options.
With such a big twist on both gameplay and deckbuilding rules, the Twin Suns format is a terrific new way to enjoy playing Star Wars: Unlimited. We hope that everyone gives this wild mode a shot once the game is out. Look forward to reading the full rules for the Twin Suns format when they release alongside the game in just a few short weeks!
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