Sectors and Regionals of Season 0
Greetings, Organized Play fans!
A short while ago, we provided an overview of Sector and Regional Qualifiers, including how they are structured and what sort of prizes you can earn. Today, we’re finally ready to announce the dates and locations of the Sector and Regional Qualifiers for Season 0, as well as share some info about additional prizes, including the prize wall!

Season 0 Sector Qualifiers
For starters, here are the dates and locations for Season 0 Sector Qualifiers:
United States Sector Qualifiers, hosted by Star City Games:
April 5-6: Denver, CO
April 26-27: Richmond, VA
European Sector Qualifiers, hosted by Organized Play Events:
March 29-30: Milan, Italy
April 5-6: Liverpool, UK

As for the prizes, in addition to the placement prizes we mentioned in the previous article, Sector Qualifiers will have a plethora of prize wall and promotional items up for grabs. First and foremost are the alternate-art promo cards, featuring several fan-favorite units from Spark of Rebellion: Admiral Ackbar, Red Three, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Agent Kallus. Beyond the cards, the prize wall will also have several different game mats featuring art from cards across the first few sets, including art of Kylo Ren, Clone Commander Cody, and more. Finally, you’ll find some soft crate deck boxes themed around Poe Dameron and Black One, a perfect fit for your Jump to Lightspeed decks!
Beyond the prize wall, we’re also excited to announce two additional prizes for the main tournament that we didn’t share before. The first of these prizes is a paid flight and entry to the Galactic Championship event for the winner and runner-up for each Sector Qualifier. This means that, if you make it to the finalist table of a Sector Qualifier, FFG and Asmodee will cover the cost of your flight to the Galactic Championship in July, as well as your entry badge to the event itself.
The second new prize is especially exciting: Leader Showcase Awards! At each Sector Qualifier, within the Top 64, the top-ranked player for each leader at the end of the event will receive a Showcase variant of their leader card! This includes Showcase variants of Luke Skywalker (Spark of Rebellion, 5) and Darth Vader (Spark of Rebellion, 10), which have not been seen before! Only one person will earn a Showcase variant for each leader*, so be sure to give it your all!
*Depending on the specific leaders used, some players may be sent their Showcase awards after the event’s conclusion. The Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader Showcase variants will also be available as prize wall items at the Galactic Championship.
Season 0 Regional Qualifiers
As for the Season 0 Regional Qualifiers, here are the dates and locations:
United States Regional Qualifier, hosted by Star City Games:
May 24-25: Minneapolis, MN
European Regional Qualifier, hosted by Fanfinity:
May 3-4: Lille, France

As for prize wall and promo items, Regional Qualifiers will have their own separate pool of promo cards, game mats, and soft crates. For promo cards, you can look forward to alternate-art versions of Fett’s Firespray, Mandalorian Armor, Count Dooku, Unnatural Life, and Kit Fisto, as well as exclusive card sleeves featuring the Executor, Plo Koon, and Ahsoka Tano. There’s also plenty of unique game mats featuring art from across multiple sets, including art of Rey, Ahsoka Tano, Plo Koon, and more. Finally, the Regional Qualifier prize walls are topped off with soft crate deck boxes featuring Plo Koon and Ahsoka Tano.
Just like Sector Qualifiers, Regional Qualifiers will award flights and badges to the Galactic Championship to top-ranking players. However, where Sector Qualifiers only award this prize to the winner and runner-up, Regional Qualifiers award this prize to anyone who places in the Top 8 or above! Aside from that, the Leader Showcase Awards will also make an appearance at Regional Qualifiers, playing out exactly the same way as they do for Sector Qualifiers. Of course, since Regionals are larger events, that means the battle to place in the Top 64 is all the more fierce!

We hope you all are just as excited for Sector and Regional Qualifiers as we are. These events represent the highest level of Competitive-tier Organized Play, other than the Galactic Championship itself. The events are coming up fast, so keep an eye out for when registration goes live! See you there!
Written by Peter Schumacher
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