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Running Weekly Play

Weekly Play events form the core of Star Wars: Unlimited Organized Play. These are the events that keep your players coming back to your store every week. In this section, we’ll cover the main draws of Weekly Play events and how they can be a boon to your store. 

The Benefits of Weekly Play 

As is true with most trading card games, Star Wars: Unlimited has a constantly shifting metagame and an ever-growing community. In order to give the game the attention and support it needs to thrive, players need access to regular opportunities to interact with other players, especially at their local scene.  

That’s where you come in! By providing a space where players can regularly play the game, talk about the game, trade cards, build decks, and so on, you are contributing to the game’s life force. Players of Star Wars: Unlimited will recognize your store as a familiar place they can go to engage with the game, and so long as you keep hosting weekly events for it, they’ll keep coming back. 

What Weekly Play Entails 

There are two key elements of Weekly Play events: they are casual and they are welcoming. These events are designed to be simple and fun, and anyone can attend them regardless of skill level. On that note, even though “play” is part of their name, Weekly Play events do not actually require any gameplay. To participate in Weekly Play, a consumer only needs to engage with Star Wars: Unlimited in some way at your store. This includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Playing a game of Star Wars: Unlimited 
  • Teaching someone how to play Star Wars: Unlimited 
  • Trading Star Wars: Unlimited cards 
  • Opening Star Wars: Unlimited booster packs 
  • Participating in a casual Star Wars: Unlimited tournament 

As the host of the event, your job is to facilitate any or all of those activities during a scheduled time at your store. You can decide which form of engagement best works for you, and once a player has done that, they can receive their weekly prize from the Weekly Play Kit. Speaking of which… 


How to Acquire Weekly Play Kits 

In order to properly host a Weekly Play event, you will need to acquire some Weekly Play Kits from your Asmodee distributor.  

Each Weekly Play Kit supports up to eight players for up to eight weeks of Weekly Play. Since each set’s season is 16 weeks long, this means you’ll need two kits for every eight players you have if you want to support Weekly Play for the full season.  

How to Utilize a Weekly Play Kit 

Each kit comes with a tracker booklet for each player, as well as a large number of promo blind packs. Each week, during your Weekly Play event, if a player engages with Star Wars: Unlimited in some way (as described earlier), then a member of your staff should mark the player’s Weekly Play tracker to indicate they satisfied that week’s engagement. Then, that player is awarded a random blind pack from the kit.  

That’s all there is to it!